[ 發(fā)布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ] 來源:永保機械 瀏覽:340次
Shandong Loader single pump failure, check the exhaust temperature of each cylinder, if a cylinder temperature anomalies, often described monomer pump problem, check the fuel manifold hydraulic pressure is to be at full capacity, if the oil pressure falls below replace fuel filter, if the oil pressure is still too low, check the fuel pump and the bypass valve and check the fuel pressure regulator valve.
Shandong loaders poor quality diesel fuel, diesel oil in the water or diesel oil viscosity is too low, ask about the case of diesel engines and water, sediment, if diesel fuel quality is poor, then let go of the fuel tank, fuel lines and fuel within the fuel pipe manifolds, replace the fuel filter, into a clean diesel fuel in the fuel tank qualified, hand pump and oiling off air to the system.
Shandong Loader Fuel temperature is too high, check the pump suction port diesel temperature. Intake manifold leak: Check the intake manifold pressure, too low, check the air filter, intake manifold for leaks.
Shandong Loader Fuel is not set correctly, adjust the maximum value of the fuel is set to specification, valve clearance is incorrect: Check and adjust the valve clearance.
Shandong loaders injection timing is wrong, check and adjust the injection timing, cooler air passage or waterway is blocked: measuring the inlet pressure, and regulate the value of the relatively low efficiency turbocharger: Check turbocharger coke and clearance.