[ 發(fā)布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ] 來源:永保機械 瀏覽:538次
The loader engine turbocharger noise is mainly caused by the following reasons: the turbocharger flange clamp and the clamp bolt loosening; compressor airway obstruction or exhaust turbocharger surge caused by coke; deformation, the
compressor and the turbine casing damage or shell too much dust is different; bearing shaft and floating bearing excessive wear; turbo compressor rotor dynamic balancing, lost or rotating piece and the fixing piece rub.
To solve the above fault, suggest that you fasten the loader turbocharger flange clamp and the clamp bolt; remove the loader compressor exhaust airway or coke, clean the dust in the compressor and turbine shell of the compressor and
turbine shell or replacement or replacement of the turbocharger assembly, replacing bearings or turbocharger assembly, replacing turbocharger assembly.